Sunday, December 5, 2010

MS CCSVI: Dr. Hubbard connects Multiple Sclerosis to CCSVI theory

Check out this video about a neurologist's point of view of Multiple Sclerosis and MS CCSVI, after his son is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

This video discusses another way of doing a "study" for people, diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in connecton with the blood flow blockages to the veins in the the neck or the upper chest that has been called chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI.

This video discusses another way to classify studies for MS and CCSVI, as data collection, that focuses more on the venous insufficiency rather than the Multiple Sclerosis.

This way of viewing the blood flow blockages appears to allow for legitimate funding for the study, that is being done, while making it possible for more of the costs of testing and having the procedure done to open up blood flow blockages to be covered by insurance, rather than making it so the the MS patients have to cover the cost of the testing and the procedure.

This is the first study that is being conducted in this way with MS patients and the venous blood flow blockages, but there is the potential for this type of study to become a way of doing more studies throughout the USA, making it possible for doctors to collect more data, scientifically, while allowing MS patients to be able to be tested and evaluated for CCSVI, as well as actually having the procedure done too.

Click on the link below to watch the video for more details.

Interesting, but only available in San Diego, CA area at this point.

Have you heard about this, yet?

Please leave your comments, as to what you think about this video or if you know anything else about this.



Anonymous said...

do a bit of research online - there's quite a bit aobut this and the treatment is available worldwide said...

I am not talking about MS CCSVI in general, I am talking about what the video is talking about, as far as a different way to evaluate for the blockages and about the way that Dr. Hubbard is going about doing his study as a venous problem, as a previously used test and procedure, instead of classifying the testing and procedure as being something new. Dr. Hubbard mentions that the tests and procedure is covered by insurance by the way that he classifies it. This is the first time that I have heard of the CCSVI testing and procedure being covered by insurance much at all. Dr. Hubbard also mentions that the way he is doing the testing and procedure is the first time that these have been considered as part of a study to gather data about MS and CCSVI in this way. Has anyone heart anything else about this? We would be interested to know and many other MS sufferers might benefit from the sharing of information where we can.


you are great writter! my friend, may God bless you more and more :-D