Sunday, October 26, 2008

What are the Effects of MS on Vision?

What Multiple Sclerosis Vision problems are commonly reported after people have been diagnosed with MS?

MS Vision problems can include problems with focusing, dimness of your vision (it appears like someone turned the lights down very low -- making it difficult to see), foggy vision (you’re looking through a fog), double vision or over strained eyes and difficulty focusing. To compound the eye problem, if certain other conditions, like candida albicans, are also part of your particular case of MS, then floating fuzz before your eyes can also be present. If any of these symptoms persist or become bothersome, see your medical doctor and ask which type of scans can be performed to test your optic nerves to see if damage or any scarring to the optic nerve may be present. Also discuss with your doctor if an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) test is needed to scan the brain for the presence of MS scarring to see if there is scarring present in the parts of the brain that may trigger eye pain that you can also be battling with.

What are the Multiple Sclerosis Eye problems that can be associated with MS? In addition to Vision problems, MS can also cause other Eye problems, including MS eye pain and possible scarring or maybe even nerve damage to the optic nerve, that can also affect vision.

Eye pain by itself, is not necessarily MultipleSclerosis, since there are other conditions that can also involve eye pain, but if you haven’t been diagnosed with MS and you have other symptoms, besides the eye pain, you should see a doctor to be evaluated to see if Multiple Schlerosis may be the cause of your symptoms. Doctors use MRI testing to evaluated people to determine if scarring is present in the brain or on the myelin sheath on the spinal cord (this is called demyelinization of the spinal cord).

Multiple Sclerosis is the term that is used, when multiple plaques or scarring is present in the brain, on the spinal cord or is present in other nerves thoughout the body, that can sometimes include the retinal nerve. Often Muliple Sclerosis can attack the myelin sheath that protects and insulates the spinal cord and cause demyelinization that results in the presence of scarring to the damaged nerves.

If you have already been diagnosed with MS, there may or may not be scarring present in the optic nerve. Sometimes MS brain scarring results from the M S attacking nerves throughout the body, that can be almost anywhere in the body.  M S can even attack and cause damage to the optic nerve. This can either create scarring that interferes with the signal from the brain to the eyes that can cause problems with vision or the damage caused by Multiple Scerosis can cause the nerve signals to become confused and over stimulated, resulting in MS eye pain.  The eye pain can result, even if there is no visible scarring on any of the test results for the optic nerve itself.

I, myslf, first experienced eye pain, just before I was given the Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. After I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, the doctors had a scan done on both of my optic nerves, to see if any scarring was present.  The retinal scans revealed that there was no scarring with my optic nerves.

When I had the scan done for testing my retinal nerves, the test was performed by having me sit in front of a monitor, which had changing patterns, colors and shapes on the screen that were flashing. This was to test the response of my optic nerves. Since technology is advancing so quickly, the test itself most likely is different now, than when I had it performed on me.

Can anything be done to help reduce MS vision problems that are often associated with MS? Well, I have tried many things to deal with what I went through. I found that taking the herb, Bilberry, helps to improve blood flow to the eyes, reducing the problems with the dimness. Taking the green sea algae, called, Chlorella, also helped. I also found out within the first few years of my diagnosis of MS, that I had a problem with elevated levels of Mercury (a heavy metal) and taking the Chorella helps to reduce the levels of heavy metals in our bodies, especially mercury. Mercury, at higher levels in our bodies, loves to attack nerves and it can also nerve damage, similar to the nerve damage that occurs in most cases of MS.

Our brains have no way to detoxify for toxins, including heavy metals. Our brains are protected by what is called the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) to prevent toxins from attacking the brain. The Blood Brain Barrier is a membrane that surrounds the brain. If the BBB is damaged, then heavy metals and other toxins can enter the brain and wreak havoc on the brain. Heavy metals can attack nerve tissue and cause nerve damage, with mercury being the worst offender. Elevated levels of mercury, a heavy metal, can punch holes in the BBB, and allow other toxins to enter into the brain. This is not a good thing, since the brain has no natural ways of detoxifying from toxins that can enter the brain, once the BBB has been compromised. This damage to the BBB because of mercury attacking the nerves throughout the body, may possibly set our brains up for the scarring that is seen on ms brain mri tests, but no one really knows this for sure.

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To learn more about what I have learned that has helped reduce my symptoms of MS, go to for information.


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