Saturday, December 27, 2008

How do MS patients React to Heat and Humidity?

Multiple Sclerosis Heat

Those that have been given the Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis can be affected very severely when in warm rooms or during the hot summer months and it can be more than unbearable to the MS patient to where the person can feel like they can’t breathe or they feel like passing out. Overheating is frequent and it is difficult for those with Multiple Sclerosis cool off. Saunas and hot tubs should be avoided by those that already have the Multiple Sclerosis symptom of over reacting to heat.

Multiple Sclerosis cooling

I guess it would be considered a treatment for Multiple Sclerosis when finding ways to cool off from the Multiple Sclerosis symptoms that can result from an over reaction to heat. Methods of cooling down can include using ice packs, drinking very cold or ice water, using MS cooling vest for MS patients and cooling hats, which have been specifically designed for those that have MS symptoms that include the heat sensitivity and staying in well air conditioned rooms. It is thought by the medical community that MS immune system is weakened and that the frequent overheating that many MS patients go through can be a result of frequent infections of many different kinds.

Click onthe link to read more - MS Heat and MS Humidity.

Friday, December 26, 2008

At what age does Multiple Sclerosis tend to occur?

Multiple sclerosis age:

At what age does Multiple Sclerosis tend to occur?

The onset of Multiple Sclerosis is typically in the late 20s to 40s, but this can vary some based on each of the 4 different types of Multiple Sclerosis.

The 4 types of Multiple Sclerosis that are recognized internationally are:

Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis or Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis or Progressive MS

Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

Since the number of cases of
MS are increasing every year and appearing in more countries around the world, it has become a worlwide medical crisis that is drawing the attention of the medical comunities around the world to join forces in doing much more ms research in the hopes of finding a Multiple Sclerosis cure.

Click on the link to
Types of MS .


Monday, December 22, 2008

What New Discoveries are there in MS Research?

Multiple Sclerosis News

Multiple Sclerosis Research is advancing into some interesting areas. For example, did you know that our nervous systems have specific cells called glial cells that are designated as the nerve maintenance and repair cells for the entire nervous system?  The job of these cells is to repair damage to the myelin sheath along the spinal cord, that insulates and aids in the nerve signal transmission along the spinal cord. The nerve maintenance and repair cells also repair any damage to the Blood Brain Barrier or BBB, a membrane that surrounds and protects the brain from toxins being able to enter into the brain.

Multiple Sclerosis information:

Our brains can not defend themselves against toxins and once there is damage to the BBB and toxins enter the brain, the brain has none of its own ability to remove toxins that are not suppose to be there in the first place and this means that if the toxins that do enter the brain attack nerve cells, damage to the brain cells themselves can result.  MultipleSclerosis can attack nerve cells, including membranes, like the BBB, or any other nerve cells throughout the entire body.  This can include the mylein sheath that insulates and protects the spinal cord, the BBB brain, or any other nerves or membranes though out our bodies.

MS brain lesions are a result of the Multiple Sclerosis attacking the brain and causing scarring.  The scarring can actually interfere with brain functions, such as cognitive abilities, speech, writing and reading (since the brain interprets and reorganizes works for us to be able to make sense of what we can read and write), memory, recognizing faces, concepts and places we have been previously, and connecting with our surroundings.

Click on the link to read more -- New MS discoveries .
